Closet Clean Out & Fall Wardrobe Edit Step 2: Clear Out | alexandra louise style

Hello again folks and welcome back to the second installment of my wardrobe redo!

This part, I knew would be my favorite.

I LOVE cleaning out my closet. I love cleaning other people's closets. If there was a a job where I could just come around a reorganize your life, I would be happier than ever.

And, having this wardrobe edit on the brain, I was waiting for a perfect night I could come home and take everything out for evaluation.

So, below is my criteria on how I decided what to keep and what went in the 'see ya never' pile:

  • Quality: Is it getting old looking? I love black t-shirts but some just don't survive. Giving up basics you can replace to keep you looking fresh is important to not hating your new look. 
  • Frequency: How many times do I really wear it or reach for it? Did I wear it in the season it was intended for? Or at all? I loved a floral skirt perfect for summer, but I didn't even try it once this summer so it was a goner. Not being afraid to let go is KEY to success in this project. 
  • Fit: Listen, we can't deny it when something just does not fit anymore. I have a constant battle with this. "Maybe I'll like they way it hangs one day?" "I'll fit into it by next summer." I know it can be hard to come to reality, but it's better to give those pants a better home than label it with a 'maybe.' Moreover, if you never liked the way something fit, just let it go. You aren't wearing it for that reason. So ladies give it to a friend, than you can visit it later! 
  • Look: Does it fit your new look? I've been spending a lot of time thinking about how I want to look this fall, there are current outfits I have that just don't fit into it. So, it's better to get rid of the old and make space for your new. 
So now it's time to pull everything out and decide, piece by piece.

I could not unfortunately go through winter stuff, like sweaters and coats. Living in NYC you need to store what you're not using so it is packed away for the time being. (Come back for the winter installation)

Tossing dresses I don't like, pants that I won't wear this fall and shirts that have seen their day, I made my way through it all. I was happy to to find I had a very large bag to pass on to friends, family and donation centers. 

Next, came an assessment.

What do I have too many of? What do I have none of? What do I need? What do I really want?

The best way for me to do this is with pen and paper. Sort of a pros and cons list but with 'have' and 'need.' Now I can shop with purpose. And I won't keep buying black jeans because, "well you always need black jeans." 

Now that I have this sorted it's time to turn to the Pins I discovered, the Instagrams I screenshotted and the blogs I have been stalking, to build out a board of inspiration! 

Stay tuned for part 3! 



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