Tips for SAVING Your Money $$$ | alexandra louise lifestyle

Whether you’re saving up for a big trip or budgeting for the first time, learning to manage your money can be hard, without a little help. There are simple tips to keep you on track and reach all of your goals!

·      Put away part of your pay: This one is easy, and not just because it rhymes. When you get your paycheck AUTOMATICALLY put 20% of it into a savings account of some sort. Then, you won’t be worried at the end of the month if you put always enough or didn’t meet your goals. Then you are free to go about your days spending what you can and not worrying if you’re saving enough.
·      Find Things to Pass On: With eBay and the slue of other apps and sites to sell goods on, it’s easier than ever to pass on old shoes, handbags or just about anything you do not use. Resell your books from school; send off those old boots you’re holding on to or give up your beanie babies-you know it’s time.
·      Hit the Sales: Now it’s impossible for some to quit shopping cold turkey-especially if you are always Instagram checking out what your favorite bloggers are wearing each day. For some shopping is therapeutic (or cardio-Thank you Carrie Bradshaw), so you don’t need to stop! But, you can shop smarter. Look for sales, discounts or find coupons on apps like Retail Me Not
·      Cut out the Unnecessary: Everyone loves a good caffeine run, but ask yourself, “do I need this?” You can do this step with just about anything! Cutting out little unnecessary costs will add up in the end. So, lunch out may be fun every day, but try to pack and save a few to meet your goals.
·      Look for Extra Work: There are so many opportunities to find little one day or weekend jobs. Work a booth at a fair, offer to help clean out an attic or look for opportunities around your community. There are always little ways to find some extra cash.

Saving can be simple, if you put your mind to it and remember your goals. Happy saving friends!

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