day one

I wish this was my first blog post. I wish this was my first blog, ever. But, if we're all being honest here, this is my fourth attempt at a cohesive blog. Which seems appropriate because my mother's favorite number is four and she's pretty awesome. So four seems like a good round number instead of an odd one.

Anyway, welcome! For those who haven't visited my other attempts thank you for joining me on this journey and I hope to not disappoint. This is one of my 15 goals of 2015. To actually write my blog and keep it going the entire year. I feel now looking back on the other ones, I tried to limit myself to only one area of writing. Wether it be struggling to start college or fashion, I was always limiting myself. Truth be told, I could write on fashion and beauty for hours. However, I want to expand past just those two elements.

So a little back rounder for everyone:

I am Alexandra Louise Sebestyen. I am 22. I am finishing up my last semester of college and will be graduating in May with a BA in communication, specializing in PR, Social Media and Advertising. I hope to move to the city and work for a publication in those areas. I am currently hoping to get into the fashion industry and work with the amazing editors and creators doing wonderful work today. I have a passion for the magazine industry at a very young age and really hope I can pursue my dreams soon. I love and appreciate my supportive family, boyfriend and best friends. They are a huge part of my life and they will crop up in my writing from time to time. I am a social media addict, a book worm, a social butterfly and try to keep myself inline with my values. I love to shop for the best deals, grab coffee with a good friend and pretend I am best friends with my favorite YouTubers.

I hope this blog will be a way to express all my favorite things to talk about and share a little about my life with all you lovely readers. I am excited to start this with all of you and hope you enjoy!



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